April's Fools -- Part 2 --
Part II

"I don't see where that would be a problem, Miss Relena," Pagan said, as the two were going over some last minute plans in the kitchen.

"Good, I want this little vacation to be perfect."

The doorbell rang, signaling new arrivals. With a broad smile, she excused herself and headed into the hallway. If she was correct, Sally and Wufei were supposed to be the next to arrive.

As she was about to open the front door, she paused at the "swoosh" sound and the following splash.

"Maxwell!" an angry voice yelled.

Praying to whatever deity was handy, Relena opened the door and gasped softly. Wufei was drenched with the bright rubber remains of the water balloon still clinging to his hair and shoulders. Sally, who was miraculously dry, was trying to remove the remains of the balloon and hide her laughter.

Relena was so amazed by the scene on her front step that she almost missed Heero. The former 01 pilot was still standing on the walk, smirking in his enjoyment of Duo's prank. Locking eyes with Relena, the smirk die and he merely nodded in her direction.

"So help me, Maxwell, you'll pay for this!" Wufei cried, looking up at his tormentor.

Sally placed a restraining hand on his shoulder. "Wufei, it was only a harmless prank!"

"Yeah, lighten up, Wu-man!" Duo called.

Wufei shrugged Sally's hand off. "Stay out of this," he ordered.

He barreled past Relena and headed for the stairway that leads to the second floor. A second "swoosh" ended with a splat. Sally smiled as she shook the water off her shoes.

"Oops," Hilde called down, failing to hide her giggles.

Sally shook her head. "You missed anyway."


"I'm telling you, babe, this takes some finesse," Duo said.

A door slammed in the floor above Relena's head.

"Maxwell, I will show you the true meaning of justice," Wufei cried.

"Gee, Wuffie, it was a joke," Duo protested. "Where's your sense of humor, man?"

Sally entered the house and placed a reassuring hand on Relena's shoulder, wincing slightly as something fragile met its demise above them. "Things will settle in a while," she told Relena.

"But will my house be standing?" Relena asked, closing her eyes as another crash resounded.

Heero snorted as he entered and closed the door.