Prologue Relena studied the business card for what seemed like the millionth time that hour. It wasn’t the fact that it had been given to her or that it contain a personal home phone number. After all, she was a well-known politician and people were hitting her up for favors all the time.
Maybe that was the difference. The man who had given the card didn’t want a political favor nor needed the notoriety an association with her would bring. All he had requested is that she would join him for dinner sometime. “If you keep this up, you’re going to destroy the card before you get the courage up to call him,” a male voice said softly with just a hint of humor. To her horror, Relena felt herself blush as she quickly stuck the card in a drawer of her desk. Her embarrassment was rewarded with a chuckle as Quatre crossed the room and took a seat. She tried her best to glare at him, but the Arabian merely continued to grin. “Why am I acting like this? I’m acting like a young schoolgirl,” she lamented. Quatre’s smile became sympathetic. “Probably you never got to be a regular schoolgirl, Relena. Also, the card faces you with a decision you’ve been fighting for a long time.” “You’re right,” she replied softly after a lengthy pause. “I’m twenty-three years old. I can’t spend the rest of my life waiting for Heero to return. Besides, it’s not that I didn’t enjoy the time I spent with Josh. I think we would have fun together.” Quatre nodded. “I think you would, too. Besides, it might be just the thing to consolidate Heero’s interest.” “No.” Quatre’s eyes widened slightly at the adamant tone. “No to what?” “My life is going to stop revolving around Heero,” Relena stated. “If he truly cared, he would have acted on it long ago. I’ve been a fool for not moving on sooner. It’s time for me to let the childish fantasy go, Quatre.” “Relena, are you sure? You don’t want to make a hasty decision.” She nodded. “This isn’t a hasty decision. I should have made it a long time ago. Now, if you will excuse, I need to make a phone call.” “Of course.” Quatre rose from his chair and left the room. After he closed the door behind him, he leaned against it briefly. “Good for you, Relena.” With a smile, he walked down the hall. |