The Journey Forward--Part 6
Part VI

Duo escorted Hilde into the physical therapy center. Her cane echoed against the tile floor. Her mood darkened further.

The therapist seemed to sense Hilde’s mood immediately. Her usually chipper demeanor became more subdued. “Good morning,” she greeted.

“Hello, Rachel,” Hilde said, forcing a smile. Duo’s smile was a little more genuine.

“I wanted to let you know that we have students here today,” Rachel stated. “If you don’t mind, a student can work with us today. However, if you are uncomfortable, please say so.”

“No, no, a student will be fine.” Hilde turned and kissed Duo on the cheek. “See you in an hour.”

He knew better than to argue with her. He squeezed her hand. “Sure thing.”

She watched him leave. With a sigh, she turned to Rachel. “Okay, let’s get started.”

* * * * *

Hilde gritted her teeth as she worked her weak leg. She could feel the sweat forming on her forehead. She wondered how long they had been at but didn’t dare look at the clock.

Melanie, the student, was seated at Hilde’s hip. She was watching every move made by both Hilde and Rachel. “Okay, only three left! Two! One! Wow, you did it!”

Hilde bit her lip to stop herself from lashing out at the bubbly student. Rachel quickly sent Melanie after some unneeded equipment. Therapist and patient exchanged looks as Hilde moved to sit up.

“I know she’s a little over-eager,” Rachel said. “She’s just excited to finally be able to work with patients.”

“It’s okay, really.” Hilde glanced at the peppy Melanie. “She’s really nice. I’m sure patients will love her.”

“I’ve got the equipment,” Melanie announced.

“Good. Why don’t you just set it down for now,” Rachel asked, taking a place at Hilde’s feet. “Watch me as I help Hilde with the next set of exercises.”

Hilde panted, sweated, and silently swore as she went through the different exercises. She was relieved when Rachel said they were working on the last set. It spurred Hilde to work harder.

“Excellent work today, Hilde,” Rachel stated. “You’re really making progress.”

“Oh, is that your husband?” Melanie asked.

Hilde glanced at the doorway. Duo allowed the door to close behind him as he searched the room for her. He grinned when he found her.

“So, when are you going to try again?” Melanie asked.

“Try what again?” Hilde asked absently. She grudgingly accepted Rachel’s help to get to her feet. Duo was walking quickly across the room towards her.

“Try for another baby.”