A Hero's Journey -- Part 52-
Part LII

Quatre pressed himself against a wall as another blast shook the compound. Several faction soldiers ran by him but took little notice of him. The borrowed uniform was serving its purpose.

He checked his coordinates and moved to his left. He moved down one corridor before turning unto another. Again, he encountered faction personnel but no one paid him any undue attention.

He walked past the first three doors and found the room housing the mainframes. He quickly punched in the entrance code. Once inside, he pulled the charges out of his bags and began attaching them to the machines, setting the timers as he went. As quickly as he entered, he exited the room.

The corridors were still hectic as he made his way to each target. He continued to garner no true notice as he worked. He climbed a set of stairs to the lower levels, heading for a generator bank.

These corridors were empty, a vast difference from the activity above. He again consulted his coordinates. He moved south, noting the signs as he passed.

Again, the room holding his targets was empty. He placed the charges on the subgenerators. He glanced at his watch, finding he had plenty of time before the charges starting blowing.

He was tempted to alert the others that he was ahead of schedule. However, he quickly pushed the idea aside. The impulsive move could put their mission in jeopardy, and there was too much at stake for that.

‘Time to get back to work,’ he thought, spurring himself into action.

He slipped back into the corridor, making his way back towards the upper levels of the facility. He passed a lone technician as he walked to the stairwell. He was almost there when he was jerked into a room.

Momentarily blinded by the room’s dimness, he whirled to face his opponent. He stilled when he felt steel pressed against his forehead. The person chuckled as the door locks were activated and the lights flared to life.

“Well, Quatre Raberba Winner, we meet again.”