A Legacy of Stars -- Part II --
Part II

Faith thanked Une and left the office. She shucked off the uniform jacket as she made her way through the building. Two days before her next assignment. How was she going to pass the time?

Going to her tiny apartment was not an appealing option. Besides, she was still keyed up from the last mission. With her mind already decided, she headed to the elevators and on to the gym.

As she headed toward the locker room, she was relieved to find it mostly empty. Due to the time of day, the majority of the recruits were generally being tested in some manner or another while the actual Preventers were still on duty. Only people who had the day off would be down there.

She quickly changed into the black tank top and matching shorts that served as her workout clothes. As she reentered the gym area, she noticed a rookie punching furiously on a bag. While she admired his energy, his technique was horrible.

“I’m concerned about the capabilities of the new recruits,” Une had confided during their meeting. “They’re not performing to expectations, even with the new training regiments.”

There were very few people, including the ones with senior rank, in the Preventers that Une would make such a confession to. She had held control of the Preventers since their conception and survived several attempts to force her out of the organization, largely due to the loyalty she inspired in her agents. She definitely had Faith’s loyalty, and the director knew it.

However, Faith had merely nodded at Une’s comment. “I am as well. With no perceived serious threat to peace, people have grown soft. Such complacency can be dangerous.”

“I’ve been partnering you with Wufei too much,” Une had replied. “He’s rubbing off on you.”

But Faith had resumed her report, avoiding any further discussion of partners. Une had been persistent in asking Faith to find a permanent replacement. As much as she hated it, Faith knew that she couldn’t keep working with temporary partners forever. However, such a decision meant that Mac was gone forever, and she couldn’t do that yet.

Shaking her head to clear the thoughts, she began to go through her stretching exercises. The rookie had finally quit pounding on the punching bag. It left the gym fairly quiet.

“Hey, would you like to spar?”

Faith looked up, noting that it was the rookie who was challenging her. She was tempted to lecture him on addressing his superiors, but he couldn’t have known. She was young to hold senior rank and she was wearing nothing that showed it.

“Why not,” she replied, rising to her feet. “Just don’t go easy on me.”

His smirk told her that this little bout was going to be educational.

* * * * *

It was both curiosity and nostalgia that made Quatre drag Jarrod on a tour of the Preventers headquarters. He had been amazed by how much had changed in the building and in the operations since his brief time with the organization. His brief stint had also been the last time that he had work with all the former Gundam pilots, fueling his nostalgia.

Jarrod, for the most part, had not complained. He had mutely followed his father through the various levels of the building. As far as he was concerned, they were lucky that they had had no further encounters with Faith Maxwell.

“This use to be office space,” Quatre explained as he entered the temporary pass code he had received from Une. “It was converted into a gym about ten years ago. The offices were moved to one of the upper floors.”

As they strolled through, Quatre pointed out a sparring bout going on. Curious, Jarrod moved for a closer. Even from his distance, Jarrod could see that the woman had the upperhand.

“I said not go easy on me,” the woman growled. She easily blocked a punch-kick combination. “Surely you can do better than that.”

Although his face was already flushed from exertion, the red color deepened. He lashed out at her once again. However, despite his best efforts, Faith easily dodged every attack.

“Who are you?” he demanded, stepping back.

She briefly dropped her stance, clearly debating on answering the question. “Faith Maxwell.”

He shook his head. “Never heard of you.”

“Good,” she replied with a smile. “Shall we continue?”

He made another attack. Instead of dodging, she fought back. She landed a solid kick to his chest, knocking him back.

“Tigthen up your stance,” she instructed. “You’re leaving yourself too open.”

“This should be interesting,” Quatre said quietly, moving to watch the bout.

Jarrod shrugged. “Why doesn’t she just beat him and get if over with?”

“Because she’s showing him his mistakes. He will probably hate Faith for it, but he’ll be better for it in the long run.”

He let Quatre’s statement sink in as he continued to watch the match. Jarrod knew that Faith was no longer the little dark-haired girl with large, blue-green eyes he remembered from his visits to the Maxwells. She was also no longer the geeky double major who roomed with his sister Tanith at college.

“I’m going to offer Faith the job, Dad,” Jarrod said.

Quatre chuckled. “Faith is one of the best. If you can get her, I’ll doubt that you’ll regret.”

“I hope so.” However, Jarrod realized he didn’t know whether he hoped that Faith took the job or hoped that he wouldn’t regret it if she did.