A Legacy of Stars -- Part VII --
Part VII

He hit the patio hard, almost robbing him of breath. Yet, he had enough left to grunt when Faith suddenly pressed herself on top of him.

“What the hell!” Jarrod growled, trying to shove her off him. “Maxwell!”

“Stay down!” she hissed.

It was then he finally noticed the gunfire. Bits of plaster and shards of glass rained down as bullets riddled the building around them. However, Faith’s body shielded him from most of the debris.

“Oh, God,” he whispered.

The Preventer seemed unaware of the prayer. Her eyes kept darting around them and her hands were fumbling for something. Despite these movements, she kept most of his body covered with her own.

“When I say go,” Faith said, interrupting his thoughts, “run to the wall at the end of the patio.”


“Pay attention, Winner!” she demanded. “When I say so, get over to that wall. I’ll cover you. Understand?”

He was tempted to say something sarcastic but thought better of it. “I understand.”

“Good. Go!”

She rolled off him and got in a squat. She was immediately shooting back, giving him the time he needed. Refusing to let fear paralyze him, he ran.

It was the longest five seconds of his life.

* * * * *

“Are you hurt?” Faith demanded as she joined him behind the corner wall. She quickly worked to reload her guns as she waited for his answer. “Jarrod?”

“I’m fine,” he said, “but you’re injured.”

Blood was running in little rivers down her left arm, dripping off her elbow. The right side of her dress was turning darker, glistening sickly in the light. She seemed unaware of her injuries, her attention focused on her weapons.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said.

“Look, you’re hurt. We have to get you out of here!”

She shot a few rounds over the wall before ducking back to safety. For a moment, he wondered if she had even heard him. “No,” she said finally, “you’re the one we have to get out of here.”


“I don’t have time for this!” she spat. She took out a pair of attackers on the roof behind them. Another appeared to take their place and got off a few shots before Faith got him.

She cursed as she leaned back against the wall. Blood was now pooling below her elbow. Her left arm had definitely taken another hit.

Jarrod huddled closer to the wall. “What are we going to do?”

She knew that they couldn’t stay at the wall. While it provided some protection, they were still too open. “We’re going to try to make it back inside.”

* * * * *

He watched one of the medical technicians check for a pulse as she placed an ear over the person’s face. With a sad shake of her head, she lowered the arm back to the ground. She waved a crime scene team over to the body before moving on to repeat the procedure again.

“This was a complete security fuck-up,” a Preventer commented, surveying the scene. “A total massacre.”

Chang Wufei crossed his arms but said nothing.

“No,” another voice said, “it was well-planned.”

Wufei turned, no emotion showing on his face. Evans, the other Preventer, angrily watched the large black man approach. The man, on his part, seemed to ignore it.

“Who are you?” Evans demanded.

The man eyed Evans closely before answering. “I’m Joe Gibson. I need to speak with Preventer Chang alone.”

Evans glanced at Wufei, unsure of what to do.

“Go on, Evans,” Wufei said. “I’m sure you can find something useful to do.”

For a moment, they watched the rookie depart. Then, Gibson chuckled. “Still torturing the rookies, I see. Nice to know some things don’t change.”

“We have other things to talk about,” Wufei stated, “like who’s responsible for this mess.”

“Whoever they are, they good. Like I said, this was well-planned.”

“Yes, it was planned but part of it was they were lucky.”

“From what I hear, you don’t believe in luck.”

Wufei shrugged. “How’s Maxwell?”

“She took some hits,” Gibson replied. “Left arm’s in a hell of a shape, and she’s lost a good bit of blood. But she managed to get Deputy Secretary Winner out of here with just a scratch.”

“Where is she now?”

“Une had her taken back to Headquarters to the medical staff there. Winner’s with her.”

“She’ll need another babysitter for Winner,” Wufei said. “Go to Headquarters and keep an eye on things there. I doubt you’ll have too much trouble getting in.”

“I’ll let Faith know you’re coming. I expect you will want to question her yourself.”

Wufei only nodded as he got back to work.