Chapter 15: Meet the Family
Meet the Family

“What do you think?” Celeste asked hurriedly.

Selene shook her head. “I don’t like it. It’s too dressed up. I think you need something more casual.”

With a sigh, Celeste glanced down at her skirt. “You’re right. God, I’m running out of time. Jonathan is going to be here soon.”

The cat shook its head again as Celeste slammed bedroom door behind her. They had been performing variations of this scene for about an hour. Selene stretched out and waited. In a few minutes, Celeste emerged once more, dressed in another outfit.

“What about this?” she asked, turning to give Selene a full view.

However, she paused in her turning at the knock on the door. “Please tell me that’s not him.”

“I don’t know,” Selene replied with a yawn. “You’ll have to open the door to find out.”

Celeste gave the cat a glare as she walked to the door. With a sigh, she opened the door. However, she smiled as she saw Jonathan.

“You’re early,” she said, letting him into the apartment.

Without warning, he pulled her to him. “You’re beautiful,” he stated before kissing her.

Selene rolled her eyes and jumped off the couch. She walked into the other room, letting them have a moment alone. She had been doing that a lot lately.

With her eyes still closed, Celeste stepped back. “Jonathan, aren’t we going to be late?”

“Nah, we’ve got plenty of time,” he replied, pulling her close again.

She opened her eyes. “I’m not completely ready yet, Jonathan.”

“You look fine to me.”

She playfully shoved him away. “Give me five minutes, okay?”

Without waiting for his reply, Celeste once more disappeared into her bedroom.

* * * * *

“Well, that’s their plane,” Jonathan said, as they looked out the large window. “You’re still not nervous, are you?”

“I can still leave, you know.”

“But what would I tell my family?”

She shrugged. “That would be your problem, not mine. They’d probably think you had an imaginary girlfriend.”

“Thanks for coming, Celeste,” he said, his tone serious.

She nodded. “Thanks for asking, I think.”


The two turned at the sound of the high-pitched squeal. In a blur of color, someone tackled Jonathan. He laughed as they bumped back into the wall.

“Bethany, I’m glad to see you, too.” He gave his sister a brief but tight hug. “However, I think that there’s someone you wanted to meet.”

The young girl quickly detached herself from her brother. “You mean she’s here!”

She whirled around until she saw Celeste. Running a hand through her curly, brown hair, she suddenly seemed much more calm. Her friendly smile went all the way to her hazel eyes as she extended her hand to Celeste.

“Hi, I’m Bethany Mackenzie.”

Celeste shook her hand. “I’m Celeste Halley.”

“There are some other people I want you to meet,” Jonathan said. “This is my parents and my younger brother, David.”

Celeste shook all their hands, suddenly feeling like she was on display. She stayed close to Jonathan as they headed to the baggage claim, absently listening to the family chatter. It had been a while since she had been around a family, and it briefly renewed a familiar ache in her heart.

“Hey, Celeste, how did you meet my brother?”

She jerked her head up, pulling herself out of her depressing thoughts. “Huh?”

David grinned at her. “I was asking how you met Jonathan.”

She glanced at all the expectant faces before leveling a glare at Jonathan. “He didn’t tell you?”

“Oh, he did,” his mother stated quickly, “but we all wanted to hear it from you.”

“We met at a local gym when I asked him to be my sparring partner.”

David threw an arm around Jonathan’s shoulder. “And just how did that little bout turn out?”

Jonathan laughed. “She kicked my ass, man, and still does, all these months later.”

“Well, at least you’re man enough to admit it, son,” his father commented, laughing as well.

“Celeste would have given a demonstration if I hadn’t,” Jonathan replied.

His joke was rewarded with a resounding smack on the shoulder. David and Bethany laughed as their older brother rubbed his shoulder. Mrs. Mackenzie gave Celeste a thumbs-up.

“Whose side are you guys on?” Jonathan cried.

Celeste suddenly froze, a shiver running down her spine. She closed her eyes briefly, cursing her luck. Of course, there would have to be an attack now.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Jonathan staring at her. With a quick nod, he indicated that he knew what was going on. Shrugging off David’s arm, Jonathan pulled Celeste to him.

“Be careful,” he whispered into her ear. “Find me afterwards. Promise me.”

She nodded as he reverently kissed her cheek. She gave him a brief hug and a hurried goodbye to his family. Before they could demand an explanation, she turned and left.

“Where on earth is she going?” his father asked, turning to Jonathan with a confused expression.

“She was missing something in order to meet you,” Jonathan replied, hating that he was lying to his family so quickly after their reunion. “I told her that you would understand if she went on now.”

“Of course, we do,” his mother said.

As they retrieved the baggage, Jonathan herded them to his car. “So, how about a brief tour of the city?”