Jupiter's Gone:

A Sailor Moon Fanfic

Book I: Jupiter's Gone--Edited
Chapter 1: Jupiter's Gone
Chapter 2: On the Eve of Battle
Chapter 3: Enter the Protector
Chapter 4: Initial Confrontations
Chapter 5: The Question of Faith
Chapter 6: The Loss of One
Chapter 7: Foe and Friends
Chapter 8: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 9: The Question of Faith Resolved
Chapter 10: The Final Confrontation

Book II: The Search for the Stone

Chapter 1: The Consequences of Battle
Chapter 2: The Question of Family
Chapter 3: An Episode from the Past
Chapter 4: The Beginning of the Search
Chapter 5: Battle by the Lake
Chapter 6: The Carrier Revealed
Chapter 7: The Awakening
Chapter 8: The Decision of the Stone
Chapter 9: The Crucial Hour
Chapter 10: The Intended
Epilogue: A Brief Repose

Book III: The Approaching Shadow

Chapter 1: The Stuff of Dreams
Chapter 2: Ruffled Feathers
Chapter 3: Reply of the Priestess
Chapter 4: The Child of Ice
Chapter 5: The Daughter of Love
Chapter 6: The Twins of Fire
Chapter 7: The Conference Convenes
Chapter 8: Consequences of the Garden
Chapter 9: The Call to Battle
Chapter 10: Destinations

Book IV: The Battle for System Sol

Chapter 1: Changing Hands
Chapter 2: A Resurrected Foe
Chapter 3: Answers with More Questions
Chapter 4: The Rescue
Chapter 5: What Once Was Lost
Chapter 6: Convergent Destinies
Chapter 7: Facing the Enemy
Chapter 8: Strength in Numbers and in Hope
Chapter 9: The Culmination
Chapter 10: A Bittersweet Happy Ending

Book V: Reveries

Chapter 1: A Tale is Begun
Chapter 2: Additional Worries
Chapter 3: The Guardians Meet
Chapter 4: Another Listener Joins
Chapter 5: Warning Signs
Chapter 6: Waiting
Chapter 7: One Last Dance
Chapter 8: Betrayal
Chapter 9: Always Have Hope
Chapter 10: Beginnings

Book VI: Reflection

Chapter 1: Vigil
Chapter 2: Realizations
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Preparations
Chapter 5: Departure
Chapter 6: Return to Cignus
Chapter 7: Midnight Confessions
Chapter 8: Unbidden Memories
Chapter 9: A Night of Visions
Chapter 10: Suspicions

Book VII: Legends

Chapter 1: Discoveries
Chapter 2: Reinforcements
Chapter 3: Pieces of the Puzzle
Chapter 4: Secrets and Speculation
Chapter 5: Survivors
Chapter 6: The Captain's Dilemna
Chapter 7: On the Homefront
Chapter 8: Resurrections
Chapter 9: Insurrections
Chapter 10: Worries and Duties
Epilogue: A Vision