Prologue: Sacrifices

“Celeste, I’m sorry.”

Setsuna placed a hand on the other woman’s shoulder. However, the redhead gave no response, not even a flinch. Her eyes remained on the ground before her.

With a sigh, the Japanese woman removed her hand. She wished she could believe that Celeste wasn’t aware of her presence. But that would be a lie, and she had enough sins on her conscience already.

“I’m really sorry.”

She turned and began to walk away.

“You’ve said that already.”

Setsuna paused, unsure if she had actually heard the words. Celeste still stood motionlessly, continuing to stare at the ground. However, tears now streaked her pale face.

“Is that all you have to say, Setsuna?”

The venom behind the words hit the dark-haired woman like a slap to the face. For a moment, she was stunned. Then she managed to find her voice again.

“What would you have me say, Celeste?”

The American laughed, filling the evening air with the sound. Regaining control of herself, she shook her head. She still did not turn to face Setsuna.

“Tell me that it was worth it. That all this is a part of some grand design. What was gained by this?”

Setsuna bowed her head. “I can’t tell you that.”

“Why not?” Celeste demanded. “Because it will jeopardize your precious Timeline?”

“We all have to make sacrifices, Celeste.”

Again, Celeste shook her head. “Yes, you told me that. I thought that I could handle it. I didn’t realize how personal it would be.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Quit saying that! I don’t give a damn if you’re sorry or not, Setsuna. It won’t change anything!”

“No, words rarely do.”

“Do you know how much I want to hate you right now? Everything was fine until you reentered my life.”

Setsuna closed her eyes in a desperate attempt to stop her tears. “It had to happen, Celeste.”

“Well, what’s to happen now?” She whirled around to face Setsuna. “I’m fifteen years old. What am I suppose to do?”

“You’ll have family. You won’t have to go to a home. That should be some comfort.”

Her green eyes narrowed as Celeste stalked toward Setsuna. “Comfort? Go to hell, Setsuna.”

Setsuna watched her friend walk away. She stared at the ground, studying the freshly turned earth. She placed the bouquet of flowers beside the two red roses already there.

“For what’s it worth, I am sorry.”

However, the headstones gave no reply.