April's Fools -- Part 1 --
Part I

[All standard disclaimers apply.]

"It is a tale/Told by an idiot,
full of sound and fury/Signifying nothing."

Macbeth (V.v.26-28)

Relena smiled from behind the curtain as she watched Duo and Hilde walk up the drive to the front door. She had invited everyone to a small house she owned in the country for a springtime vacation. After numerous date changes, everyone was finally able to clear their schedules for at least one week of rest and relaxation.

Giggling like the schoolgirl she never really was, Relena replaced the curtain. They were going to have some fun this week. She just knew it.

The doorbell rang. As she approached the front door, she could clearly hear the couple bantering with one another even through the thick wood. However, the pair stopped as the door opened.

"Hey, Relena!" Duo cried, giving her a squeezing hug.

"It's good to see you too, Duo," Relena managed to say before she was attacked similarly by Hilde.

"Thanks again for inviting us," Hilde said, finally releasing the other woman. "I know that this week will be fun."

"Yeah, we are definitely going to have some fun," Duo stated, a mischievous grin plastered on his face.

Seeing the devilish gleam in the pilot's eye, Relena had a sinking feeling that her plans for the little gathering were about to go horribly astray.