A Legacy of Stars -- Interlude II --
Interlude II

Quatre wasn’t surprised to find someone still standing outside the window of the nursery. It was long past visiting hours. However, such petty details rarely stood between the other man and his goal.

With a smile, Quatre strolled over to the window. His presence was only acknowledged by the briefest of the nod. The other man’s attention remained fixed on the infants beyond the glass.

“Your daughter’s beautiful, Heero,” Quatre stated. “She and Relena are doing just fine.”

For several moments, Heero stayed silent. In the dim nursery, a pink-swaddled infant yawned before settling back into sleep. “What name did Relena choose?”

“She hasn’t decided yet. She likes Faith but probably as a middle name. As for a first name, she is still debating.”

Quatre took a sip of his coffee as they continued to watch the babies sleep. “She’s your daughter, too, Heero. No matter how things are between you and Relena, you are her father.”

“I’m not fatherhood material,” Heero said, turning away from the window.

“I don’t believe that.”

Heero glanced back, his deep blue eyes narrowed in a glare. “I don’t care what you believe, Quatre.”

“If you walk away now, Heero, from your own child as well as Relena, you’ll never forgive yourself.”

“I can’t stay,” he murmured.

Quatre’s face softened, all frustration gone. “When will you let yourself be worthy? Even after all these years, you’re still atoning. It’s time to find peace.”

“Soldiers never have peace.”

Quatre sighed as he watched Heero walk down the hallway. “The Perfect Soldier to the end.”

Beyond the glass, one of the infants began to cry. Quatre glanced back and noticed it was Faith. Looking down the hallway, he noticed that Heero had paused by the door.

“I like Helene.”

Without even making sure Quatre had heard him, Heero opened the door and disappeared back into the night.